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Cana Family Fellowship


You did "Pre-Cana."

Then you got married.

Now, where's the "Cana" to help you actually live it out?!


To strengthen both marriages and our Lakewood parishes, we invite you to consider joining the Cana Family Fellowship (CFF).  We're a group of Catholic families who meet each month to grow in faith, community, and ability to follow Christ within the vocation of marriage.  


We meet at rotating families' homes to discuss topics of faith related to Catholic marriages and family life, planned by the hosting family, the 2nd Saturday morning of the month from 9:30am to about noon.  


While there's no cost to join, the families each contribute refreshments and split the cost of hiring babysitters (if applicable) so the parents can enjoy conversation with other adults, and the kids can have a great time playing together (though you do not need to have children in order to join CFF).


CFF also hosts events at the parish to broaden our reach, such as Family Fun Night, with pizza, games, and crafts as well as celebrations of the liturgical year like parties to celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the Feast Our Lady of Guadalupe.


Intrigued or would like to attend one of our sessions?  We'd love to have you and your family!


Contact: Sara & John Lee| | 254-733-5453

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