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How Can I Invite Someone Back to Church at Christmas?

Bells are ringing. The trees are glistening. Everything is covered in snow. All seems right with the world during the Christmas season. But what if your friend or family member is missing out on the best part of Christmas – Christ? Here are a few ideas to help bring them back to church during this special time. Pray. Ask God to give you the words to reach their hearts. Pray for an opening to have a caring, spirit-filled conversation with all judgments left outside.

Engage in a conversation about favorite Christmas memories. If they grew up going to church, chances are they’ll have some great memories surrounding family and Christmas Mass. Has anyone else watched their cousin fall off a chair at Midnight Mass while serving? Find a way to share your joy, talk about what Jesus means to you and what you get out of going to Mass.

Invite them to join you and your family at Mass following a gathering. An invitation wrapped in the natural event of a Christmas dinner might leave an opening for a better response. It’s something you all do as a family and enjoy especially at Christmas – you’d love it if they would join you!

Continue to pray and be welcoming. If they decide to attend Mass with you, make sure you help them feel at home. They’re members of our family of faith – don’t allow them to feel like a fish out of water. 

Remember to ask because you care, not only because you feel like they need to get back to Mass. Care first. Wrap them in prayer. Jesus delights in Christmas miracles!

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