March 27, 2020
Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.” (Jn 11:25-27)
Dear Parishioners,
In our Gospel this weekend we hear Martha’s declaration of faith and trust in Jesus. This declaration of faith and trust is a reminder that Jesus is the hope of true life. During this season of Lent, we are called to make that same declaration. As we deal with this unprecedented crisis, we are called to turn uniquely to Jesus, the life of the world, with intense prayer and hope. I encourage you to continue to pray with me a daily rosary and to watch the Mass on a media platform to unite spiritually with the Eucharistic celebration. The Eucharist is the source and summit of our spiritual life. Participation through media can bring us hope and strength us as we all profess our faith in “the Christ, the Son of God.”
This weekend, the 5th Sunday of Lent, we will be posting a link on our website and Facebook page to a recorded Mass that I will celebrate. There are strict requirements on streaming Masses, and my intention is to make it prayerful and spiritual. Please say an extra prayer that this works out, especially as we come into Holy Week, which I hope to post as well. Palms were delivered this week. These palms will be blessed and available for pickup Palm Sunday weekend. Instructions and times when they will be available will be posted next week on the website.
If you’re interested in seeing the requirements and restrictions that priests are to follow, a document from the Diocese is posted on the website and Facebook. Beginning this weekend, our bulletin company is providing us with a bulletin that has beautiful reflections and other resources to support us as we prepare for Easter. This is also available on the parish website. The parish office remains closed at this time. Voicemails and emails are checked periodically. Only necessary work in the office or on the property is being done. We are doing our best to follow the “stay at home” order issued by the governor. I truly hope you are doing the same – this simple action is saving lives. Financially, I am very grateful for the continued parish support of so many. Because of this generosity we can continue to support our staff during this time of crisis. If you wish to support the parish, there are many ways. Online giving is a safe and secure method, and you can easily sign up from a link on the parish website. Donations can always be mailed to or dropped off at the parish office through the mail slot.
Fr. Deogratias and I are still speaking. Luckily, Father has not been called to the hospital and is on call for emergencies only. This week we conducted two funerals according to the social distancing restrictions required by the Diocese. Please keep us in your prayers, as in the days and weeks to come we may be called upon to perform some type of ministry.
Please know that we say Mass daily. During those Masses we pray for you and your families. Join me daily in also praying for the strength of all peoples during this time, especially the most vulnerable, health care workers, first responders, and for the recovery of the sick. Remember to check in with family, neighbors, and friends, great opportunity to renew and strengthen our love of neighbor. May the “Life of the world” bring our world His healing and wisdom.
Peace and healing of Christ,
Fr. Workman