5 Tools To Help Your Lent Matter
It seems as though we Catholics can look at Lent as a way to jump back on our failed New Year's resolutions. What if this year, we tried something different? What if, this year, we really tried to have Lent matter and come out a different Catholic on Easter morning?
Fasting from something is an important component of Lent, but so often the things we give up don't change our hearts -- chocolate, tv, donuts, etc. Consider fasting from something, but also adding something that will form your heart this Lent and help you grow in relationship with Jesus. More Mass attendance, times of silence, reading Holy Scripture -- God's love letter to us -- or praying the Rosary. There are so many practices given to us by the Church to aid us on our journeys.
Be open to God's work in you so that you will not be the same person on Easter Sunday that you were on Ash Wednesday.
Here are a few more tools to help you on your Lenten journey:
Dynamic Catholic: The “Best Lent Ever” campaign is an email program designed to take Catholics on a 40-day spiritual journey to encounter Jesus. Sign up here.
Word on Fire: Bishop Robert Barron is offering daily email reflections in English or Spanish for each day of Lent, along with videos, discounts, and more. Sign up here.
Liturgical Publications: Beautiful daily Gospel verses, reflections, and challenges for every day of Lent. Sign-up here.
Life Teen: Life Teen has put together a list of “102 Things You Should Really Give Up For Lent” on their blog. If you’re still looking for something to give up for Lent or simply want a resource to share with teens in your home or at church, check this post out here.
Ever had questions about Lent, but were afraid to ask? Though from 2014, this MEGA-POST from Aggie Catholic tells you everything you could ever want to know about this penitential season. Ignore the dates, but everything else still applies!