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Fr. Workman

LCA Parishioners | Tuition Meetings with Fr. Workman

As we plan for the next school year, Lakewood Catholic Academy’s administration will be requesting your parishioner status in regards to granting your family parishioner rate tuition. For those families requesting approval for parishioner rate, they are required to attend one informational meeting with me. As part of my policy in regards to receiving approval, I meet with at least one parent/guardian every other year. At this meeting the families will be given the 2017-2018 Parishioner Agreement for Approval of Parishioner Rate Tuition. This is the year for this required meeting. After this meeting, and your signing of the agreement, I will then notify the school of those families that have been approved.

You may attend either meeting:

Sat., March 18th at 11:00 A | St. Clement Church & Sun., March 19th at 1:00 P | St. James Parish Center

The meeting will be approximately 30 minutes. Topics of discussion include the new sacramental preparation requirements (in particular, the new two-year Confirmation program). Remember the meeting is required for your continued tuition rate.

Please plan to attend so other meetings do not have to be scheduled. Thank you!

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