Bishop Edward Malesic joined Father Joseph Workman, Father Deogratias Ruwaainenyi, Father Kevin Elbert, Father Ted Haag, Father Thomas Mahoney, and Father Francis Walsh at the celebration of the Lakewood-wide Sacrament of Confirmation. This marks the first time all four Lakewood Churches combined for the celebration of the Sacrament!
Fifty-seven young adults and adults were Confirmed in the Spirit on Wednesday, March 22 at Saint James Church. Please continue to keep the newly Confirmed in your prayers!
Thank you to the faithful parents, sponsors, and catechists for preparing the students for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you to the James Gang for spring cleaning the
Church, to the creative set up crew, the talented decorators, the friendly greeters, the reverent Altar Servers, the hard-working reception crew, the innovative traffic monitors, the patient photographer...and the list goes on! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the joyful celebration of Confirmation.